TENACITy participated to Project to Policy Seminar

The Projects to Policy Seminar, which took place in Brussels on June 14 and 15, 2023, was a highly successful event that brought together newly launched projects and policy DGs. Coordinated by DG HOME and REA, this seminar served as a valuable platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing. Its primary objective was to establish a strong connection between research initiatives and policy priorities by facilitating engagement and alignment. To achieve this, participants were organized into four distinct thematic areas, ensuring focused discussions and maximizing the seminar’s overall impact. The four thematic areas where:

  • Fighting crime and terrorism & Infrastructure (FCT/INFRA)
  • Strengthened Security Research and Innovation (SSRI)
  • Disaster-resilient societies (DRS),
  • Border management (BM)

The TENACITy team was enthusiastic about showcasing their advancements, exchanging knowledge, and receiving valuable advice from policy experts during the plenary sessions and focused discussions held within the seminar.

TENACITy Project Unites at DEFEA-Defence Exhibition in Athens

The TENACITy project was presented to visitors of the DEFEA-Defence Exhibition in Athens by the Centre for Security Studies (KEMEA) of the Hellenic Ministry of Citizen Protection who participated as an exhibitor. The TENACITy coordination team visiting the exhibition did not miss the opportunity to drop by KEMEA’s stand to say hello! 

End-users requirements Workshop

The End-users Requirements Worskhop followed the consortium’s Plenary Meeting and took place on February 1st, 2023, at the American University of Cyprus in Larnaca. The purpose of this workshop was to collect end-user requirements and advance the use case definition process. There was an information sharing session and a discussion about the tools that where proposed by TENACITy to be developed for usage in the field of travel intelligence and purposed for fighting against crime and terrorism. The participants also had the chance to work together on a number of scenarios based on the TENACITy Proposal.

Cyprus Plenary Meeting

The TENACITy Plenary Meeting was held in Cyprus, on January 30 and 31, 2023. During the two day meeting the TENACITy consortium had the chance to meet in-person to discuss the progress that was achieved in the last six months of the TENACITy project and which WPs have begun and which milestones have already been reached. The partners gave an overview of the WPs they are responsible for and the relevant tasks on work package level.
The final part of the Plenary Meeting was an open discussion, mainly for the technology providers to discuss tool synergies and the architecture of the tools that will be developed.

Kick Off Meeting

The TENACITy Kick-off Meeting was held in Athens, Greece on September 21 and 22, 2022. The partners have presented their vision and plans, the project’s top priorities, and the action items for the first months of the project.

The work that needed to be done and the responsibilities of each partner were presented and discussed during the two-day meeting on a work package level. This included identifying the major problems that have to be solved on each work package as well as the measurable results and KPIs that needed to be met in accordance with the project’s Description of Action. The consortium members also participated in a number of roundtable talks on the important technologies and techniques that should be used, as well as the crucial tasks during the project’s implementation phase and execution. A comprehensive dedicated session on the project’s ethics requirements was also planned and held.

Project Start

TENNACITy project has been chosen to receive funding from EU under the call: Fighting Crime and Terrorism 2021 (HORIZON-CL3-2021-FCT-01)

The TENACITy project started at 1 September 2022 with a duration of 36 months (end: August 2025) by a competitive consortium of 17 partners from 10 countries.

The project’s full name is “Travelling Intelligence Against Crime and Terrorism”.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101074048