TENACITy End User Workshop in Cyprus

An end user workshop has been organised in Cyprus this week at the premises of the Cyprus PIU. The topics addressed included: 

  • Platform integration: Identifying approaches to integrate external platforms into our digital platform. 
  • Use Case Discussion: Discussing potential refinements and updates in use cases to align them with common PIU operational practices and enhance validation processes. 
  •  Living Lab exercises: Discussing the designing exercises to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among practitioners in the next Living Lab activities. 

We are currently exploring the feasibility of some interesting enhancements on the hand-on experience with the TENACITy platform in the next Living Lab for all practitioners in the traveling intelligence domain. The engagement of the end users is essential to identify innovation traits as focus points in our roadmap to deliver the final technology release of the TENACITy digital platform. 

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101074048